Little lexie..

Just thought id add a little lexie update! Shes almost 6 months now!holy cow has time flown by!! She just like kaden is such a joy to have! I seriously wonder what other people do with their kids when they arent as awesome as mine!!lol. She smiles and laughs at everything, she is friendly and loves attention!! She's a mamas girl for sure! She has started rolling over like a nutcase and is starting to try ans scoot. I put her in her own little pool today and she was a little indifferent about it but i think she will learn to like it. Yall should see her giant smile when her daddy comes home from work, it is sooo cute!! She loves him. Its good for him to get to see her grow and develop since he only got thatmwih kaden through pictures. She is pretty much (to me at least) a spitting image of kaden. She looks so much like him its crazy! Some days it makes me miss him more and other it just makes me smile! We really have been blessed with two amazing children. I just hope i get the chance to wAtch my little girl grow into an amazing person, my heart cant handle even the hought of loosing her, but its a sick reality i face everyday!! For now though i am tryin to enjoy every moment i have with her and much like kaden documenting it every step of the way!! :)
She is such a doll and so was Kaden. She really looks like him in the second picture.
You are very blessed your children are beautiful and Lexie will continue to be amazing and grow up to be a wonderful girl. <3 you
She is such a gorgeous little girl. She looks so much like her brother it's crazy. I think of Kaden often and sometimes it brings me to tears. I am so happy you have been blessed with another little bundle of love and I know how much you cherish her. *hugs* You deserve all the happiness in the world.
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